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Important scope of the business

Important scope of the business

Definition of business:

According Hughes and kapoor definition of business:

             A business is an organised effort of an individual to produce and sell, for a profit, the goods and

services that satisfy society’s needs.


             A business is a particular organisation.

An american business experts and authors Strauss and Attn er define business as:

             A business is an organisation which is used to producing goods and services in order to make


On the other hand definition of business in a better and a comprehensive way wheeler define as:

            An institution is responsible to provide goods and services to the consumer in order to gain a

private profit. 

According to Thomas Evelyn definition of business is that a business embraces all those functions

involved in the making, buying and transporting of goods.

H.Haney defines business as human activity towards providing or acquiring wealth through buying

and selling goods. But in this definition the manufacturing and services have been ignored. It is the

only good for defining marketing. 

The best and elaborate definition  have been given by F.C Hooper:

The field of business is a complex of industries which produce, manufacture , distribute goods,


banking insurance and transportation which promote the business activity  world of business as

a whole. 

Business activity has become very important and very complicated under the influence of a fast

changing world. The fastest development and growth of the business stem for this reason.

1.The simplest and advanced foreign exchange system has made national and global
trade quite easy and flourishing.
2.New inventions and innovations in science and technology have set new directions and
tendencies in goods and services that satisfy human needs in far better and more efficient
3.Ever changing and increasing demands of the consumer has created new and great
opportunities for marketing.

Business and objections:  

The practice of business has been controversial over a long time. Around 2500 years ago a plateau did

not favour business. His pupil Aristotle also disliked this he thought it is an amoral and asocial

activity. His main object was to make more profit. In the modern era in the US there is a section of

young men. According to them, business is the favourite field of those who have little or limited

talent. In other words gifted and talented people go in for research, management, engineering and

medical discipline. In the survey it is to be noticed that in the country only twelve percent of young

men preferred business. A majority of people disliked because they thought that a businessman

exploited customers, enslaved employees, stressed managers to make profit at any cost and always

ran for wealth. Despite all these objectives, business has its universal importance.

Scope of Business:

The scope and range of business includes production, marketing, banking, finance, transportation,

warehousing, insurance and information. These factors of business are described below: 


Business function starts with the planning of production which is the conversion of raw material

from one form to another form. It requires purchasing machinery, equipment etc. The production

which is business activity has the four factors:

  1. Land

  2. Labour

  3. Capital

  4. Entrepreneurship

Better production depends on proper and timely planning, minimisation of cost, consumer taste and

many more possible steps for better production have to be taken. 


Banking and finance are part and parcel of business. Most of the loans are provided by the banking

system. There are three types of banks

  1. Capital

  2. Loans or bonds

  3. Retained earning


Transporting is such an important activity that no business can be performed without it.Transporting

starts immediately after production. It refers to moving goods from one place to   another place.

It helps the producer to sell their goods to the far and needy markets.quick and modern means have

made it possible to send goods in any part of the globe. There are three types of routes of


  1. Land

  2. Air 

  3. Sea

Marine transport is the lowest transport and used for shipping heavy goods. Air transport is a quick

way of transport but highly costly. They used to carry light goods. Land transport is vital for inland

trade. The ways of land transport covers carriages, roads etc.

Ware Housing:

Without storing, commercial functions can not work. Goods must be stored after production and

before they are sold. There are many kinds of warehouses and stores where surplus goods are

stored and awaiting for their demand. The place where goods are stored is known as a warehouse

or store.  Shops, showroom, granaries, cupboards are all different types of warehouses. Business

houses use facilities of  different types of stores and warehouses some of which are bond

warehouses, public warehouses, private warehouses and cold storage. 


Business extends to getting information from various sources and media. It requires information at

every stage. Well informed businessman is more successful than uninformed. There are two types

of information:

  1. Primary information 

  2. Secondary information

Primary information:

It is the first hand information received through research, study, observation, analysis, experiment


Secondary information:

It is obtained through other sources like libraries, books,newspapers and others.


Risk is inherent to business.  Business risks include theft, fire sinking of the ship, change in

prices, government policies,and restrictions and many more. There are two types of risks:

  1. Insurable risk

  2. Uninsurable risk

Insurable risk:

Those risks which are covered under an insurance policy are referred to insurable risk

Uninsurable risk:

Insurance that cannot have cover of insurance known as uninsurable risks.

Grading and Standardization:

Standardisation refers to bringing the goods and services to a certain criterion, measurement,  

established model or accepted norms or values. It creates uniformity and facilitates buying  

and selling, storing and transporting. Grading may take the form of brands, weights, heights,  

volumes, qualities and varieties.

Trade (Buying and selling):

Trade has a pivotal role in business. Trade refers to buying and selling. It covers imports,  

exports, retailing, wholesaling and brokerage. He must be aware of customers taste trends  

and preferences. 


Without storing, commercial functions can not work. Goods must be stored after production

and before they are sold. There are many kinds of warehouses and stores where surplus

goods are stored and awaiting for their demand. The place where goods are stored is known

as a warehouse or store.  Shops, showroom, granaries, cupboards are all different types of

warehouses. Business houses use facilities of  different types of stores and warehouses some

of which are bond warehouses, public warehouses, private warehouses and cold storage. 


Business extends to getting information from various sources and media. It requires

information at every stage. Well informed businessman is more successful than uninformed.

There are two types of information:

  1. Primary information 

  2. Secondary information

Primary information:

It is the first hand information received through research, study, observation, analysis,

experiment etc.


Secondary information:

It is obtained through other sources like libraries, books,newspapers and others.


Risk is inherent to business.  Business risks include theft, fire sinking of the ship, change in

prices, government policies,and restrictions and many more. There are two types of risks:

  1. Insurable risk

  2. Uninsurable risk

Insurable risk:

Those risks which are covered under an insurance policy are referred to insurable risk

Uninsurable risk:

Insurance that cannot have cover of insurance known as uninsurable risks.

Grading and Standardization:

Standardization refers to bringing the goods and services to a certain criterion, measurement, 

established model or accepted norms or values. It creates uniformity and facilitates buying  

and selling, storing and transporting. Grading may take the form of brands, weights, heights, 

volumes, qualities and varieties.

Trade (Buying and selling):

Trade has a pivotal role in business. Trade refers to buying and selling. It covers imports,  

exports, retailing, wholesaling and brokerage. He must be aware of customers taste trends  

and preferences. 

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