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warming global warming

What is the greenhouse effect?

In the urban area, there is a burning of fossil fuels, and as a result of this burning Carbon Dioxide and methane produces carbon dioxide and methane which is produced as the result of burning fossil fuels known as the house effect. When these produced gases are in high quantities in the atmosphere, they will accumulate below the ozone layer. The ozone layer does not allow heat energy to reflect back to space. When ozone layers do not allow the heat to reflect then there is as a result this heat remains in the earth’s atmosphere with an increase in temperature. This is called global warming or the greenhouse effect. 

Effects of global warming:

Global warming there are following effects are as under:

  1. More evaporation of water
  2. Excess of evaporation of water causes high rainfall
  3. Melting of polar ice at a high rate
  4. Melting of glaciers at a high rate
  5. Rise of sea level
  6. Rising sea levels cause floods
  • What is Acid Rain?

Due to urbanization and industrialization, there is more burning of fuels, and there are more acids used in industries due to which as a result of these consumptions more gases are spread in the air and atmosphere from the chimneys. The example of these gases is as under:

  1. Carbon Dioxide

  2. Sulfur Dioxide

  3. Nitrogen Dioxide

When the rain falls in the air then the water (H2O) reacts with these types of gases in the air and as a result of these reactions there is a production of these acids which are as under:

  1. Carbolic acid

  2. Sulphuric acid

  3. Nitric acid 

These acids remain as a vapour but when the temperature falls these acids condense into liquid form. As a result, these acids destroy the soil, microorganisms of the soil, the skin of animals, and building materials.

What is deforestation?

Forests are being cut rapidly all over the world for the following reasons:

  1. Fuel

  2. Fodder

  3. Timber

  4. Agricultural need

  5. River valley projects

  6. Industrial purposes

  7. Construction of dams

  8. Construction of roads

  9. Construction of buildings and many more.

Forests are the lungs of the heart and are destroyed day by day by deforestation. It has been estimated that in 40 years there is a millions of forests are been cut or destroyed this type of process of cutting or destroying forests is known as deforestation.

Results of deforestation:

Deforestation result in 

  1. Recurrent floods

  2. Soil erosion

  3. Lowering of ground level

  4. Declination of annual rainfall

  5. Loss of fertility of the soil

  6. Reduction in wildlife

  7. Greater incidence of disease

  8. Loss of organisms that control the vector


What is pollution? It literally means destruction of purity but scientifically it can be defined as pollution is an undesirable change in chemical, biological, and physical characteristics of air, land water, and soil which may also harmfully affect human life, plants, and animals, our industrial processes and living conditions, and cultural assets.


All those substances that cause pollution are called pollutants. Some common pollutants are as follows:

  1. Deposited matters such as soot, smoke, tar, dust, and grit.

  2. Gasses like SO2, CO, CO2,NO2, CL2 AND O3 etc.

  3. Chemical compounds like aldehyde, arsines, hydrogen fluoride, chloro fluoro methane, phosgene, detergents, etc.

  4. Heavy metals like lead, mercury, iron, zinc, etc.

  5. Economic poison like herbicide, fungicide, insecticide, etc.

  6. Fertilizers

  7. Sewages

  8. Radioactive substances

  9. Noise and heat

Classification of Pollutants:

Generally, the pollution is classified as follows:

  1. Material pollution

  2. non-Material pollution

Material pollution:

In material pollution, there are some materials or substances that become excessive in the environment like air, water, or soil pollution.

Non-Material pollution:

In non-material pollution, the material does not increase but the environment disturbs or becomes unbearable to live in, i.e. noise, heat, or radiation pollution.

Types of pollution:

There are three types of pollution:

  1. Air pollution
  2. Water pollution
  3. Soil pollution

Air pollution:

When the amount of solid waste or concentration of gases other than oxygen increases in the atmosphere is called air or atmospheric pollution.

Causes of air pollution:

automobile, electrical power plants use coal, gas and diesel, petrol, industrial processes, cooking and heating plants, transport industry etc. These machines produce smoke, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, chloroform carbon, etc. As a result, photo-chemical haze produces acid rain, the greenhouse effect takes place, and as well as ozone depletion occurs.


  1. Use of proper filters
  2. Use of solar cookers
  3. Use environmentally friendly fuels
  4. Use to develop new forests or plantation

Water pollution:

The main cause of water pollution is human activity which pollutes streams, canals, lakes, rivers and the sea.

Causes of water pollution:

    1. Organic pollutants: It is caused by milk dairies, sugar mills, bacteria, domestic sewage, hotels, etc.

    2. Chemical pollutants: It is caused by the use of pesticides, insecticides, detergents, oil and oil

dispersal, acid, etc.

    3. Thermal pollutants: It is caused by effluents from electric power plants and nuclear reactor plants.

    4. Siltation: It is caused by the deposition of soil and sand in the bottom of the water reservoirs which increases the water level and decreases water capacity. Lastly, this silting causes floods.


  1. Strict legislation on sewerage system 
  2. No industrial or agricultural waste should be added to water before complete treatment.
  3. Public awareness at all levels is important. It should be through social media and other institutional levels.

Soil Pollution:

The pollution of soil is a result of the number of human activities related to utilization of the land resources. Mining excavation of soil for bricks and cement making construction of roads, dams, and buildings, and dumping of solid waste on open surfaces have reduced the soil resources.

Causes Of Soil Pollution:

  1. Deforestation for buildings and industries 
  2. Overgrazing by cattle 
  3. Excessive use of fertilizer
  4. Excessive use of pesticide
  5. Poor drainage system
  6. Water logging and salinity problem
  7. Improper canal system and many more.


  1. Recycling of solid waste
  2. Proper dumping of solid waste
  3. Plantation, development of forests
  4. Development of pasture and meadows for grazing animals 
  5. Proper irrigation system

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