The Human Respiratory System is the process of breathing in plants and animals. It is a biological process consisting of some organs used for breathing. Simply, it is the process of gaseous exchange in plants and animals. This process consists of the lungs, nose, mouth, windpipe, throat, and Voicebox. Our respiratory system consists of a pair of lungs.
It is a paired lung located inside the chest and air passageways. It is soft, spongy, and pinkish in color. It is wrapped with two pleura membranes; the space in between them acts like a lubricant. They are enclosed with a bone-type cage which is made up of sternum. They have 12 pairs of ribs in front to back where the vertebral column is present. Ribs are attached to the muscles of the inter-coastal.
In the lower part of the thorax lies a sheet muscle which is called a diaphragm which separates the lungs from the abdominal cavity.
The lungs of humans are made up of millions of alveolar. It is like a pouch-type structure which is made up of only a single layer of cells. In each Aeolus gaseous exchange takes place in between the air and the blood.
Air Passageways:
The air passageways consist of the following:
1. Nostrils
2. Trachea
3. Bronchi
4. bronchioles
The air enters into the nasal sacs through the nostrils the passage through which the air passage is lined by mucous secreting cells.
The nasal sac opens into the long tube which is known as the trachea. In the trachea there
are following parts:
In the trachea is a box-shaped sound box which is known as the larynx it contains cords that produce sounds.
It is the opening of the larynx; it has a lid-like cover which is called epiglottis. When the food or drink becomes swallowed the epiglottis prevent it from entering the trachea. the trachea has c-shaped cartilaginous rings that prevent it from collapsing.
In the center of the thorax, the trachea bifurcates into two smaller bronchi that have a shaped cartilaginous ring.
Bronchi holes:
It has a very thin tube that opens into air sacs or alveoli.
Process of breathing:
The surface of respiration is located in the lungs deep inside to exchange gasses it has to bring air into the lungs. There are two types of process of breathing:
1. Inspiration
2. expiration
In this process of breathing air is directed through the air passageways up to the alveoli in the lungs. In this condition as a result the volume of the chest increases with a decrease in the pressure of air.
This is the opposite of the inspiration process. In this process both the intercostal muscle and diaphragm become relaxed and the rib and diaphragm become flat. The volume of the chest decreases with an increase in pressure on the lungs.
GASEOUS Exchange in Alveolar:
The exchange of gasses takes place at the level of alveolar. Oxygen is taken up by the hemoglobin of Rb's of blood and the carbon dioxide brought by the blood is given out to the present in alveolar. The exchange of gasses including the process of diffusion is possible on this level because Aeolus and blood capillaries are only one layered cell thickness.
Composition of expire and inspire air:
Rate of breathing at rest and exercise:
In the first condition when one person is doing exercise the rate of breathing would increase because of the consumption of muscles order this increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide will also increase the rate of breathing rate.
If the person doing the exercise continuously the cells of the muscles break down the glucose without oxygen. The process of this kind is known as anaerobic respiration
The breaking down of glucose results in the formation of lactic acid. It will cause pain and cramps in the body. To break down the lactic acid there is a need for an additional amount of oxygen and this process is termed as "oxygen debt".
Respiratory disorders:
There are four types of respiratory disorders:
It is the inflammation of air passage which is caused by smoke or some bacteria. It can be characterized by increased cough, mucus secretion, shortness of breath, and low fever.
It is concerned with the destruction of the alveolar due to industrial pollutants. It can be characterized as laborious breathing.
It is caused by viruses and fungi. In this condition, the alveolar is infected with fluid or pus. The patients suffer from fever, cough, chill, and chest pain.
It is an inflammation condition that is characterised by shortness of breath chest pain fever etc. The patient of this type may have difficulty breathing.
Lung Cancer:
It is a condition that is caused by smoking. In this disorder, abnormal cells appear in the lungs. It is characterized by coughing with blood, weakness fatigue, etc.